November 3, 2012

Aleph Null - Dale

Review by Aaron Sullivan.

From Germany comes Aleph Null. They mix Sludgy DOOM with a hint of 90’s era Seattle grunge.

This E.P. has all the trademarks one looks for in Sludgy DOOM music wise. Riff based guitars, heavy bass, solid drumming, all done with an undeniable groove. Vocally is where the grunge feel comes in, calling to mind bands like Alice in Chains, Soundgarden, and Sponge. Vocals are sung in a clean bluesy refrain with touch of echo for effect. Which is welcome change of pace from the usual growled or screamed vocals many others go with. The production is great. Crystal clear without taking away from the heaviness of the crunch of the songs. Mixed perfect so that all can be heard.

For a debut E.P. this shows a lot of depth and promise. If they continue to do this well I think this may be a band talked about for some time in DOOM circles.

[Go to the post to view the Bandcamp player]

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