January 29, 2013

Adrift for Days - Come Midnight​.​.​.

Written by Ulla Roschat.

Come Midnight... (2012) is the second album of the five piece psychedelic/drone/doom band Adrift for Days (formed in 2009) from Sydney/Australia. It consists of 6 songs with a total playing time of about 71 minutes.

The album is a psychedelic journey through soundscapes of extreme contrasts, contrasts in quietness and loudness, in acoustic fragility and massive walls of droning distortion, in enchanting melodies and crushing riffs. These contrasts may unfold in an agonizingly slow build up weaving a multi-layered texture of sound with threads made of psychedelic, drone, sludge and post metal elements, or it may just hit you unprepared with a crushing riff coming out of nowhere.

There’s an underlying eerie atmosphere throughout the entire album created by the incredibly beautiful melancholic melodies, the menacingly driving tribal rhythms, the echoing sounds barely locatable - from far away or from inside your mind?, and of course the creeping doomy heaviness and crushing destruction.

And despite all the contrasts and many different elements the album never sounds forced or glutted. Instead it simply takes over your mind from the first sound and won’t let it go until the last one faded away. It is bracingly experimental, organic, progressive, unpredictable... and with vocals to die for.

[Go to the post to view the Bandcamp player]

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